C. Monts

pořad: SOBOTA 22:00-24:00 THE WORKOUT


V UK narozený moderátor, hudebník, novinář vytrvale přináší celou řadu projektů a spoluprací. Jeho nadšení pro aktuální hudbu ho táhne do všech koutů světa, kde sbírá kontakty s nejzajímavějšími novými talenty v módě i hudbě. Nakonec tato jednomužná infobanka zakotvila v Praze, kde ve své neutuchající honbě za vědomostmi neustále potkává nové progresívní lidi . Monts prošel radiem Spin a radiem Wave a je velmi rád, že konečně našel domov na Radiu 1. Pořad The Workout s jeho dlouholetým parťákem DJem Tuco je zábavná a eklektická výprava do světa moderní hudby napříč kontinenty!

British-born broadcaster, musician, DJ & journalist/blogger: C.Monts has been steadily working his way through the modern communication ranks with a slew of interesting projects. His love for fresh music takes him around the world where he connects with some of the most interesting up & coming stars of the fashion and music world. The Czech-based one-man-info-hub has found his home in Prague where he’s constantly moving and meeting progressive and interesting people on his ever-growing quest for contemporary knowledge. Monts has held radio shows at both Radio Spin & Český rozhlas‘ Radio Wave. He’s very happy to have found his current broadcasting home at the well respected Radio1. “The Workout”, with his good friend and regular collaborator: DJ Tuco will be a fun-filled, eclectic adventure in contemporary music from around the globe!




  • Tracklist
  • DJ Cosworth - Check Dis Tool (Original Mix)
  • Confidential Recipe & DJ Haus - My Way
  • Sam Interface - Guinness Punch
  • Insomniast - Gucci Bag Tool
  • Octoptic - 666MW
  • Junior Simba - Promises
  • DJ co.kr/h4rdy/NyNy - Serious
  • Ghostwhip - Been 2 Long
  • Nikki Nair - Don't Work (feat. St. Thomas LeDoux)
  • Sam Binga & Sister Zo ft. Sirius Soundz - Panda Beef
  • Black Rave Culture - Crazy Legs (JIALING Remix)
  • Footclan - Got No Back
  • Poor J’Darr - Power Strike
  • Næja - Lofoten (anyoneID Remix)
  • Samurai Breaks - Untameable Booty
  • Black Rave Culture - Blowin O's (Anna Morgan Remix)
  • Ron Mercy - Sneeze
  • JEAN-PIERRE - Think I luv a Dancer